

Over the years Panaque has designed, and currently produces under its own brand, a line of protein skimmers, UV-c sterilisers and aquarium/aquaculture control systems
Life Support System.

Design and Consulting

Design, supply, start-up and management of exhibits and Life Support Systems for public aquariums, zoological parks, aquaculture facilities, ornamental fish farms, ornamental and sport fishing lakes, recovery facilities for sea turtles and aquatic mammals; carrying out scientific research projects; training courses for personnel; management of public and private aquariums.

Our Clients

2020-2021 Project, supply and installation tanks and their life support systems of the wet lab

Università di Ancona (Italy)

University of Ancona (Italy)

2016-2021 Project, supply and installation of exhibit and quarantine tanks and their life support systems. We also designed, supplied and installed the new sea inlet and sewage disinfection system.

Anton Dohrn Zoological Station (Naples, Italy)

Anton Dohrn Zoological Station (Naples, Italy)

2020 Project, supply and installation of tanks and life support system for the new Adriatic Biodiversity Conservation Center unit of the Institute for Marine Biology of the University of Montenegro.

Aquarium Boka, (Kotor, Montenegro)

Acquarium Boka, (Kotor, Montenegro)

2018-2019 Project, supply and installation of life support system, acrylic and remote LSS control of the Malawi and crocodile tank, Anaconda tank, quarantine tank.

Natura Viva Park, Bussolengo (Verona)

Natura Viva Park, Bussolengo (Verona)

2016 – Design, supply and installation of filtration systems for the breeding station of the "M. Zucchelli" Base in Antarctica, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development.

Base “M. Zucchelli” in Antartide

Base “M. Zucchelli” in Antartide

2015 Design, supply and installation start-up and management of the two large exhibition tanks at Expo 2015 for Nussli (Italy) s.r.l. c/o Expo Pavilion Kuwait, Milan

Nussli s.r.l. c/o Expo 2015

Panaque experience

Specialists in Life Support Systems to guarantee you the best results

We have 20 years of experience in the design, supply and installation of filtration systems for large aquaria, theme parks and research centres

